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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 13, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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coming in and out. as far as removing the vehicles it will be a simple tow truck situation. they still have to transport the woman. i can't tell if there is another patient ta needs to go as well. another ambulance just showed up. it will be at least 30 minutes or more before southbound 101 driving out of the city is re-opened. reporting live in san francisco. bob riddell, "today in the bay." >> breaking news out of pittsburgh. a pittsburgh police officer was shot during an overnight chase. officers are there fanning out along the intersection of 11th and maple where the shootings happened. kristy smith has details. what can you tell us. >> reporter: the officer has been taken to the hospital, treated and released. pittsburgh police say the whole thing happened very fast.
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two officers tried to approach a dangerous suspect standing in front of a house on the street near 11th and maple. he took off running and officers chased him around 1 is 1:30 last night. they say all of the sudden the suspect turned around and opened fire on the police officers. the lieutenant says he hit one of the officers but somehow both of the officers were able to fire back at him. they shot the suspect. a 30-year-old, from okayley. >> our suspect is a 30-year-old resident with an extensive criminal history for weapons and drug charges. he was wanted on several warrants for the same charges. >> reporter: he suffered nonlife threatening injuries. investigators say this morning they are not looking for any other suspects. that suspect who was shot, again, still in the hospital this morning. that officer who was shot has
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been treated and released. we are told he's a five and a half year veteran with the police department. the other officer worked here for seven years. police are investigating along with the district attorney's office. reporting live in pittsburgh, kristy smith, "today in the bay bay.". >> developments in the man hunt in big bear lake. police found a charred human poid in the cabin that burned to the ground yesterday. the remains are being tested to see if they belong to christopher dorner. he was accused of killing three people including a riverside officer. deputies say dorner barricaded himself inside a cabin in big bear lake. one deputy was killed. investigators say a short time later they heard a gunshot inside the cabin and a fire broke out. we have a reporter in southern california gathering new
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information. we'll have a live report from the scene coming up at # 5:30. it's 5:04 now. president obama hits the road this morning to push his second term agenda. he will be in north carolina to talk about building the economy for the middle class. it is the first of several campaign trips to gather grassroots support for policies. he laid it out during the state of the union address last night. marla teyes has a look at key remarks from the trace. good morning. >> good morning. we have santa clara political science professor. thanks for waking up early for us. it was ahead of the president's inaugural address a few weeks ago. here we are today. first question for you as we look at guns. we'll get to the gun control issue there. how did he do overall? >> it was a pragmatic speech. i think he was hitting on things he's been pushing for four
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years. there wasn't anything controversial in terms of new initiatives. in 2004, george w. bush promoted an initiative to hurt him. he was basically hitting on the same themes he's touched on before. >> you weren't wowed? >> it didn't overwhelm me. the most dramatic moment was at the end. that was sort of the emotional climax. much of it was going over initiatives that he's in favor of. >> gabrielle giffords deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. the families of aurora deserve a vote. the families of oak creek,
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tucson, blacksburg and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence deserve a simple vote. >> talked about pulling on heart strings. does that appeal to republicans? >> the idea is he wants to appeal to republicans to have a vote. to go on the record to say you may not be in favor of this and you may think it is a bad idea. but the people of america deserve a vote on this. i think it was a smart strategy not to go over again the reasons he thinks they need to vote yes. but let's vote. that's the way we begin the process. we have to show the american people we are willing to have a vote and go on record. >> take action. we'll talk again before the end of the show. >> this morning congress will deal with one of the goals the president laid out in his state of the union. the senate judiciary committee
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will hold a hearing on immigration reform. janet napalitano is expected to testify today. the president wants to strengthen borders and fix the legal immigration system to make it easier for highly skilled workers to move here. >> 5:07 now. it's more good vibrations weatherwise. christina loren, 60s today? >> yeah. upper 60s as a matter of fact. good morning to you. also it's wednesday. want to help you get over the hump. starting to think about your weekend plans. we have a great-looking weekend shaping up. warmer this morning. a touch warmer than yesterday. 39 in san jose. 34 degrees in gilroy. throughout the afternoon, temperatures climb by two to three degrees. getting rid of the fog first. in santa rosa, a half mile visibility won't last long. we take it to the future cast. stop the clock at 6:00 a.m. by 11:00 it clears out. we'll see comfortable temperatures today. upper 60s on the way.
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inland bay side 65. you will hit 63 at the coast today. your 7-day outlook in the next report. first if you are trying to get out the front door anthony has a traffic alert. >> a few things happening on the roads. you can see in the camera this is 280. there is construction going on that's obstructing traffic. as you approach the area you can see the bright lights in that location. as you get through, make sure you slow down. you can see on the maps that we are only seeing slight slow downs but as the morning gets going, make sure you pay attention to that location. also a, accident continues to be cleared from the roadway. this is 680 southbound. you can see the crews just now getting through to the specific location. it seems as though traffic has been bagged up for the past hour or so. of course we have been hearing about the other accident that occurred in the city.
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>> local restaurants, very strong coast to coast, winning four of the 20 spots including the number two seat. that honor going to the restaurant at meadow wood. other bay area restaurants including man resa in fifth place and mission chinese food at number nine. san francisco's swan oyster depot checking in at number 20. now the most important restaurant status means a lot of delicious food. judges say the restaurants provide an experience defining how america eats out. >> quite well, i think. >> yes. making me very hungry. you've been to some of the restaurants. >> i have. well, with the triplets we don't
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get out much. >> if you want to take a fourth, i will go with you. >> you got it. spring training under way. this year it is a family affair. live to oh scottsdale next. >> the fight over tesla electric cars continues. why is it important? we'll deep dive into it in business.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> still no word from the tesla inventor who promised to show the world how the new york times faked a breakdown of a tesla electric car. this is more than a fight over a bad review. >> you may wonder what's the big deal? so the new york times doesn't like the model-s. it is a big deal. tesla wants to reassure people who put down a ditto buy one. to remind you the new york times ran a story about the test car running out of electricity
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despite it's cold out there. the reporter was accused of faking the story. they will show the black box data proving the times lied. tesla assured the world it's financially solvent, reports latest financials next wednesday but has had to refund customer deposits in the past. the company has a big government loan as well. the financial picture could get exciting if a large number of people pull their deposits from tesla. that would cause other customers to grow concerned and pull theirs and so on. this may be why a bad review is a big deal. it's not about a newspaper liking a car. it's bigger than that. one other tidbit we learned. it was tesla's idea for the times to test the car despite the weather. motor trend called the model-s
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car of the year. bertha coombs is live at cnbc world headquarters. good morning. >> futures are slightly higher. no major reaction to the president's state of the union address. stocks ended day yesterday flipped. the dow and a s&p hit new multi year highs with the dow once again topping 14,000. the nasdaq ending slightly lower. the kou down 1% from all-time highs. today getting data on retail sales, import prices and business inventories. the dow closing the day at 14,# 018 rising 47 points. the nasdaq. we'll be watching shares of comcast, our parent company, which yesterday announced it was buying the rest of nbc that it doesn't already own from ge. shares today set to open.
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>> comcast spending a great deal of the cash pile to do that. another company with a huge cash pile is apple. we'll look at that in a little bit. >> thank you very much. >> it's 5:15. always fun to check in with christina loren. specifically when it's nice out. >> yeah. >> cool start but it gets warm. >> i'm loving it. >> how does that sound this morning? if you can't get out with your valentine tomorrow you will have time over the course of the weekend. get out there and enjoy the weather. come next week we have a changing pattern. rainy, cold. hard a to believe the 13th day of february. we are talking about a warm spring day. all the way through the four corners region. a ridge of high pressure gains momentum through the next couple of days. for us, we'll keep climbing.
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mid to upper 60s. sunshine. hazy out there. it could be worse. 67 degrees in livermore. 67 in gilroy. 65 in beautiful san jose. meanwhile we'll hit 62 in san francisco. so a comfortable day, even right by the water. valentine's day, perfection. 65 at the coast. that basically means you can treat your valentine to any sort of outdoor activity across the greater bay area. weather will be on your side tomorrow. a hike, maybe a romantic bike ride oh. the weather will uphold for that. friday to saturday, temperatures start to climb. we'll be at 70 on friday. sunday, temperatures will drop off. a weak some comes through to drop temps a few degrees. things start to change next week. get on out and enjoy it if you can.
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>> chp issued a sig alert for this incident. bob will have more coming up. he's live at the scene. we'll have a live report of major slowing. slowing just because of folks who want to see the accident. we'll show you what it looks like. you can see the traffic lights still. the chp crews and cops on the scene. this is a look at construction happening. this is 280. common thoroughfare here. bright lights showing the construction. allow some time or hop over to 101. more on the traffic coming up.
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john and laura, back to you. >> thanks for coming in. the giants are starting their quest for another world series championship. >> before the major league season starts the giants all set to work out down in the cactus league. for more on the reigning world champs let's bring in l'wren scott in scottsdale, arizona. this year we are hearing that spring training turned into a little bit of a family affair. >> that's a big theme with bay area sports. we had the har-bowl with john and jim harbaugh. now at giants spring training, think back to the great baseball families we have seen. the giants for so many years. now welcome the bo gis. take a look. >> a quick look around the giants spring training clubhouse. you see dozens of jerseys: with
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one last name very familiar. pitcher brett bogi, son of bruce is making a name in the organization. >> it will be special, trying to enjoy the experience. he hasn't got to watch me. it will be special. >> brett has very much earned the opportunity to be in camp, putting up great numbers in the minors and making his dad proud. >> it will be great to see him. it's a little added stress i don't know if i needed to have him here. i'm proud of him. had a great year. he worked hard to get to this point. he earned the invite with the job he did last year. >> the whole scenario lends itself to the ultimate father and son game of catch. >> i don't know about now. i couldn't ask for more than to a be a part of this and enjoy
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the experience. >> dad is now the giants manager that was a juror league catcher and his son. he may soon make a difference for the giants squad. his numbers were excellent last year. brett, bruce and the giants take the field today for the very first workout here. much more to come later in the show as we show you how they are sizing up the world series rings. back to you in studio. >> that could be family drama to put in your son or pull him from the game. >> that's how it works. a lot of good dna. keep the magic going for a championship. >> 5:21 now. coming up, best in show. which pup won top honors at the westminster dog show.
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welcome back, everybody.
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a live shot from rome, italy. that's the vatican. a pretty shot with the sun. this is ash wednesday. the final big event for pope benedict xvi. they are announcing this week he's resigning on health issues. it's a gruelling schedule. he will be stepping down as of february 28. people all over the world gathering and talking about what will be next and possibly who might be the next pope. we should find out at least the procession will start coming up soon. it's 5 a:23. >> all right. from popes to pooches. they say every dog has its day. when it comes to best in show at westminster, but one dog can fetch the coveted blue ribbon. this year's winner, banana joe. an affenpinscher from the toy group. it was the first ever best in show win for that breed. but this year westminster
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reintroduced the reserve best in show. that honor was given to bug-a-boo, the old english sheep dog. >> they look like they have soft manes. >> yes, they do. this 6-year-old schnauzer from danville with a best of breed horn. max had so many wins he was named the number one standard schnauzer in the nation in 2012. >> great posture, by the way. >> look at the markings, the teeth. >> notice how the left leg is is a staggered a little bit. >> this was max's last time as westminster. the best in breed win marked the epitome of his career. great honors to the winners. >> it's a big event. >> it is. >> never had the pleasure of going. >> we should go. >> let's plan it. >> anthony is in for mike. what a busy morning. we'll get to it in a little bit. first let's check the forecast.
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no, to you. >> i don't want to steal christina's shine though. i know she gets personal. she's the sunshine of our life. let's talk about stuff happening on the roadways. you can see 680. this is the southbound direction approaching 84. we are with talking about really the same situation we talked about for the past hour and a half. that's an a accident still being cleared causing major slow downs as more people get on the roadway and see if they would have been watching they would have known. major traffic not only in this location, but you can see coming from altimont pass, hopefully you don't have to take this route. if you are, use alternates. i know that's a difficult area to navigate. also the accident bob reported on earlier is causing 30-minute delays on 101 southbound at caesar chavez. as we heard earlier we reported
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somebody was projected from the car. that was reinstated that they were not ejected. how are you? good to see you. >> nobody puts lorenzo in the corner. just kidding. good morning to you. make it up to me tomorrow, valentine's day. 67 degrees inland. bay side, 65 and 63. our beautiful coast, we are high fiving now. as you head throughout the afternoon you can peel your first layer off. by noon the temperatures will be nice and comfortable. we keep on climbing. so the good news keeps on rolling. we'll get to the full forecast coming up. back to you, laura and john. >> thank you very much. >> breaking news in the east bay. an officer involved shot shooting. the latest details coming up in a live report next. >> and barry bonds heads to court to try to clear his name. >> a live shot to anthony slaughter mentioned this accident on 101 in san francisco. this was 101 south.
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police on scene. we'll have more in a live report in minutes.
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a shooting with officers involved. >> spring like churs to finish and a valentine's day forecast i think you will love. >> and several accident this is morning. 680. we'll get you around the accident and alternate routes for the scene and get you an update on the accident in the city at 101. >> also we'll take you down to skots cale, arizona, where the world champion giants are ready to defend their title. we have a live report coming up. >> a live look outside waiting for the sun's arrival. another spring-like day for the bay area for wednesday, february 13.
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this is "today in the bay." 5:30. happy wednesday. happy you could join us. i'm john kelly. >> an update to breaking news that we are following in the east bay where a pittsburgh police officer was shot during an overnight chase. officers fanning out along the intersection where the shooting happened. kristy smith spoke with police. new details. >> reporter: good morning. a pittsburgh police officer was shot overnight. the good news is he's already been treated and released from the hospital and a long chase. they opened fire around 11:30 last night. two officers approached a man standing outside of a home. he had an extensive criminal
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history with warrants and violations for guns and drugs. a 30-year-old man from oakley who took off a running. they say it happened fast. police say the officers chased him and he turned and opened fire. even though he was wounded he and his partner were able to fire back and hit the suspect. a scary shootout that could have had deadly consequences. >> a tragic situation. i'm sure a lot of emotions go through the police department and other departments. we are glad he's okay. he has been treated and released from the hospital. >> the suspect had nonlife threatening injuries. investigators tell me they are not looking for anyone else but they are questioning others from the scene. the officer who was shot is a five and a half-year veteran of the police department. his partner, an officer with him has worked for pittsburgh p.d.
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for seven years. the contra costa county d.a. is investigating along with pittsburgh police. reporting live in pittsburgh, kristy smith, "today in the bay." >> right now more breaking news out of san francisco this morning. a serious freeway crash on southbound 101 near the 280 interchange has shut down two lanes there. at least two people had to be taken to the hospital. bob riddell has new information on the scene. what's happening out there? >> looks like the scene will wrap up soon. southbound 101 south of the caesar chavez accident north of 280. one of the lanes re-opened. so you have the far right lane still shut down. you can see why you have sfpd out here. a tow truck that's removing the other vehicle. looks like you have fire behind him. so maybe this could be re-opened. ful
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fully a cab driver tells me he hit a red mustang in front of him that slowed down. the impact sent the car into the wall. a woman in the mustang was taken to the hospital. chp said she may have been suffering from a seizure. the other person taken to hospital was the woman passenger in the cab on the way to catch a flight. she was complaining of back pain. both are expected to survive. the men who were driving each car were not hurt. you can see the tow trucks that pulled off. it looks like they are ready to pull the other one away. if you are leaving san francisco, headed southbound doesn't look like the commute will be hit too much. there is intermittent stopping of the traffic. the tow truck can get on its way. other than that it should be cleared within the next 10 to 15 a minutes. reporting live on southbound 101
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south of the caesar chavez exit. bob riddell, "today in the bay." >> thanks for the update. anthony is in for mike today following that situation on highway 101. he'll be up in a few minutes. a live report coming up. we'll have the details. >> former giants slugger barry bonds is asking the ninth circuit federal court in san francisco to overturn his obstruction of justice conviction. bonds was convicted of the charge after giving what the court decided was evasive testimony during a grand jury investigation of balco, is bay area lab at the center of a major scandal. bonds was never convicted of using steroids. three judges will hear his appeal today and issue a decision at a later date. >> we continue to follow developing news out of southern california. police this hour trying to determine if the body consumed by a fire in big bear in fact belongs to suspected cop killer christopher dorner.
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toni schinn is live in san bernardino county near big bear with the latest. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. first of all, i want to go ahead and set the scene for you. take a look. you can see chp officers are out here. they are basically guarding highway 38. we are six miles south of the cabin where investigators say they found charred human remains believed to be christopher dorner. this began at noon yesterday. that's when investigators say dorner stole a purple nissan. he ditched that vehicle and carjacked a white pickup truck. officers spotted him and exchanged gunfire. he was able to elude them, basically drive away. but sheriff's deputies caught him at a cabin. they got into a dramatic gun battle. one deputy was wounded. another was sadly killed. s.w.a.t. officers moved in and shot teargas into the cabin.
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at this point it's unclear if the teargas started the fire in the cabin, but that's what it appears to be. dorner never came out of the cabin. it's presumed that dorner died inside that cabin. so at this point they believe they got their man. but of course they have to do forensic testing because they want to make sure, john, that this manhunt is over. i can tell you the mood out here is that everyone, especially law enforcement is breathing a big sigh of relief. >> all right. what a scene out there. thanks for the update. we'll check back later this morning. in the meantime a funeral will be held for one of the officers allegedly killed by dorner. riverside police officer michael crane will be laid to rest. governor brown will attend the service. crane is survived by his wife and two children. >> christina loren is back in
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the mix telling us mother nature is bringing us an early valentine's gift. >> she must like it hot on valentine's day. she's warming us up. 39 in san jose. the morning numbers read winter. your afternoon temps will read late spring. a beautiful day shaping up. two to three degrees warmer than yesterday. a cold start. into the end of the week near record highs in the bay area. it will be unusually warm for february. feeling, like i said before, more like spring. bay side, 65. a great beach day shaping up. 63 degrees at the coast. your full forecast is a few minutes away. you may be thinking about the weekend. we have aer return of the rain. want to check your drive. it's been a rough morning. >> you said beach and i know what i'm doing when i get off.
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680 southbound approaching 84. you can use 880 to get where you need to go. you can see traffic is very light on 880. if you can stay on 580. get down into fremont or the mission district. get around the accident because we are still seeing major lane closures. only one with lane getting by. bob riddell has been telling you about the accident in the city and of course with it being cleared, things are improving. the sensors are showing slowing. 680 approaching walnut creek. more coming up in a bit. >> coming up, another trip down to spring training to check your world champion giants. >> and the president's state of
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the union address including what it means for the bay area.
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welcome bachblgt a live look from washington, d.c. that's capitol hill. a lot of buzz following the president's speech. the second term as he moves forward with a lot of things on the agenda. last night first it was a speech. today it is is sell. president obama heading to a manufacturing plant in north carolina highlighting one of the keys of the state of the union address. that beg creating more manufacturing jobs. "today in the bay's" tracie potts is live on capitol hill now. >> reporter: the plant where the president speaks today had new
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workers. 40 more and a type of manufacturing hiring president obama was talking about last night to help the middle class get back to work. when it comes to big issues in washington, the budget and deficit in spending cuts, president obama said you can't cut your way to prosperity. people who are wealthy in this country need to pay more beyond the fiscal cliff tax increases we got at the end of the year. you can't put it on the backs of seniors and working families. especially seniors on medicare. it means reform but not in a way that hurts current seniors. that's not the way the republican party sees it. here's the response from marco rubio last night. >> his solution to virtually every problem we face is for washington to tax more, borrow more and spend more. this idea that our problems were caused by a government that was too small just is not true. >> reporter: president obama said it's not b about big government. it's about smarter government.
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he includes immigration reform -- send me e a bill, he told congress -- and dpun control. an emotional end when he referenced the dozens of victims, families and first responders who were in the room when he was giving the speech saying that congress needs to deal with reform by bringing it up for a vote, not blocking it. john? >> tracy, thank you for the update. >> as she mentioned the president spent time talking about jobs in the middle class in his speech. he told congress it's time to invest. >> now is not the time to gut these b job creating investments in science and innovation. now is the time to reach a level of research and a development not seen since the height of the space race. we need to make investments. all that investment will be good news for silicon valley and the bay area in general. scott mcgrew has that side of the story. something you have been following for some time. >> it will help us in two ways this talk of investment. first of all the silicon valley
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loves to hear the government talk about investment in technology. we make it, after all. we'd like to sell it. silicon valley leaders have complained that governments -- federal and state -- do need to do more to invest in education. in sciences to create more engineers. we have put more money in science, technology and math and many have been invoking the space race as a way to inspire more investment. but the silicon valley encourages increasing the number of foreign born engineers and highly skilled workers coming into the country. a number of high tech ceos met with the president in the days leading up to the state of the union. they will follow it up with testimony before the senate today in hearings later this morning on imdprags. two immigration issues, both the illegal, undocumented immigration and the highly skilled immigration. they have been pushed together
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into one bill. >> everybody starting to see things on capitol hill. christina loren, mother nature getting a lot done for us. doing it right. >> tomorrow is valentine's day. we are going to heat up just in time for the dreaded or much loved holiday. depends which side you're on. single or taken. if you are somebody who's single and you dread the day, give your friend es some flowers and distribute some of your own valentines to single ladies to help the situation. throughout the day we have a comfortable afternoon shaping up. we have fog to point out. it's come ohhing in and out when it comes to visibility.
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20 minutes ago. now back up to three miles and the winds are whipping and helping the situation out. whenever we get the good pix temperature of the atmosphere the fog cannot settle to the surface. high pressure continues to drive winds offshore. they will push the ml into the pacific. for us, upper 60s on the way through much of the bay area. we'll hit 62 degrees in san francisco. comfortable conditions today. 67 degrees in livermore. 67 in gilroy. 66 degrees in santa teresa. now to the lovers out there. maybe tomorrow you want to hit the beach. it will be comfortable. i want to point out a little bit on the breezy side. you want to bring some rocks, something to keep the beach blanket down with. it will be a little bit breezy at the coast. sea breeze picking up by 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. we weak at 70 degrees tomorrow. comfortable conditions. we'll cool off into the weekend. a weak disturbance tries to come through dropping the temps an bringing in clouds. much feeded rain on the way for
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tuesday. let's check your drive. 5:47. it's been a busy wednesday morning. we'll check on that with anthony. >> we are tracking the 680 southbound to 84. you can see crews still clearing the accident. the latest, only one lane getting by. let's show you the maps and get an alternate route here. if you are coming from 580, hop over to 238 and 880 depending where you go. we are all clear. no issues. not even a slight slow down on the highways. if you are trying to get over to sanol. slowing still about 30 minutes delay there. also just into the newsroom another accident on 680. this is right before you get to the different highways as you approach the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see traffic is starting to move quite a bit in that location. the good news, lights aren't on
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yit. if you are headed in it's a smooth go for the time being. more coming up in a little bit. >> thanks, q rñ5:48. the giants are the defending world champs gearing up for another title. >> the team is talking baseball. >> let's continue our talk of spring training. giants are sizing up the world series ring fingers. >> yesterday pitchers and catchers wearing a t-shirt that said kings of the rings. two rings in three years. how mar e ve louse is that? some of the guys that hadn't gotten them had to figure it out.
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some say it's old hat but they were sizing them up. >> spring training after a victory brings swagger for certain. one is letting the them know. we need players to get down to the local jeweler or down to the local tiffany's shop. tiffany are handling the rings. >> some of the new guys, exciting for them. everyone is excited about it. >> a new hat. a wide array of options. quite a scene for first timers.
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>> this is my first time seeing the contraption here. weather changes your finger size, so size it just right. >> they will have a special ring ceremony at at&t park on sunday, april 7. the giants get ready for schedule today. we'll have much more coming up in a little bit. >> do the ring thing. it's 5 a:51 now. coming up, we update you on breaking news stories we have been following for you. >> plus, more cash coming from apple. a look at the evidence coming up in business news.
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he was actually in the box. michelle obama and tim cook responding to calls. the company share more than a huge pile of money it managed to i a quire. shareholders want to share in the wealth. >> shareholders want to share. an economist, john, recently pointed out there was more money in apple than in the u.s. treasury. tim cook has been encouraged to share that in a dividend. cook dismissed accusations from one big investor that am was hording money. cook saying apple doesn't have a depression era mentality.
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we are just conservative financially. now the timing on this is worth pointing out oh. last year cook attended the same meeting and then a few weeks later the company announced the first dividend. almost exactly a year ago today. one year doesn't a pattern make. if we want to see a pattern we expect in a few days for apple to announce a bigger dividend. young cool start-ups don't pay dividends. there is no pressure on facebook to return cash to shareholders. finding your first gray hair, a sign that if you want to take it that way you're older, less cool. less hip than you would like to be. you will find it out. at some point in the future. >> where there is one gray hair, there is more. >> apple doesn't want to be that perpendicular. the dividend is a sign you are a mature company. a little bit more gray.
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>> all right. hmm. >> when you say who cares -- >> don't look at my hair. stop it. >> no. >> you did. >> i glanced. >> take it away, christina loren. we have something to settle out here. >> i'll settle it right now. she's a beautiful woman. that's all that matters. beauty is timeless. 67 degrees. lots of sunshine on tap. our air quality is suffering because it's been dry. keep it in mind. hazy but not a spare the air day. >> i found my first gray hair. pulled it out and took a picture. >> this is the area we have been seeing.
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you can see our sensors showing the people waiting. if you are trying to get through livermore you can use 238 as an alternate. another accident reported now in livermore. of course as we have been telling you about, 101 at southbound and caesar chavez is showing slowing. more coming up. we haven't been to the south bay this morning. we'll get you up to speed with with what's happening in san jose. back to you. >> 5:57. we are following developing news. police think they may have found the body of the ex-officer accused of going on a southern california shooting spree. a live update from san bernardino county coming up. >> and here at a home, officers involved in a shootout overnight. christine smith is gathering information. we'll have a live report next.
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an officer shot as an overnight chase shuts down an east bay neighborhood. we are live with new information from police. >> a car chase, a gun battle and then a firefight. but is a former officer turned shooting suspect dead or alive? what we have learned overnight about the mountain top man hunt and stand-off all ahead in a live report. >> and a homerun king returning to court. we'll tell you what's at stake at a crucial hearing nine years in the making. >> we hit that stride. cold morning to start, but a beautiful spring-like after the break ahead. things are changing quickly. we'll have the full forecast. >> and an active morning on the roads. we are tracking heavy traffic in the south bay. we'll get you up to speed with the morning commute. >> taking a beautiful live look outside. a little bit foggy over the city by the bay in san francisco making way for a nice wednesday
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morning. february 13, this is "today in the bay." >> announcer: from nbc bay area this is "today in the bay." >> a good wednesday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm john kelly. good morning. we have an update to breaking news in pittsburgh where a police officer is injured after being shot during an overnight chase. now a suspect is also in the hospital. right now officers just fanning out on two different locations on both ends of 11th street. kristy smith at 11th and maple has the latest details. >> reporter: good morning. a pittsburgh police officer was shot. the good news, he's already been treated at the hospital and released. a lieutenant tells me this whole thing happened quickly. two officers were together and they tried to approach a suspect on foot when he took off running


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